
Cheese Crottin De Chavignol AOP Goat Milk LFM 70gr

หมายเลขรายการ IDA0WW0001921
History of Crottin De Chavignol Aop It is in the Sancerrois region, in a village called Chavignol, that Crottin de Chavignol was born. Farmers from Sancerrois have been making cheese since the 16th century. However, this cheese came to be known as crottin in 1829 only. It is named after a small


History of Crottin De Chavignol Aop

It is in the Sancerrois region, in a village called Chavignol, that Crottin de Chavignol was born. Farmers from Sancerrois have been making cheese since the 16th century. However, this cheese came to be known as crottin in 1829 only. It is named after a small terracotta oil lamp, which shape it resembles. Goats are not very demanding in terms of food and were usually raised by the winemakers’ wives. As such, they conveniently provided for the daily needs of farmers, who also derived additional income from the sales of milk and cheese.


Laurent makes his Crottin de Chavignol from goat milk, to which a small amount of rennet is added, most of the time right after it has been collected. The curds are then left to drain for ten hours, before they are placed in truncated cone shaped forms with small holes, the faisselles. Once removed from the faiselles and salted by hand, the cheese is dried, frequently flipped over, and ripened for at least ten days. At the end of the ten-day maturation period, the Crottin de Chavignol will have developed a thin yellowish rind, which as ageing goes on will bloom into white to brown molds.

Tasting advice

This cheese remains the favorite snack of Sancerrois farmers and winemakers. Depending on one’s taste, it can be savored either creamy or very dry, in which latter case its strong flavor is a delight to many a connoisseur.

Wine pairing

Wines from the same terroir make a perfect pair to Crottin de Chavignol: red or white Sancerre wines, Pouilly or Sauvignon de Saint-Bris.

Appearance: white or ivory texture, with a thin and bloomy natural rind.
Texture: firm, homogeneous and dense inside.
Smell: slight goat smell. Taste: typical goat flavor, which gets lighter during spring.

General Characteristics

Product code: CROT1
Production place: Centre, FRANCE
Approval number: FR 54 395 173 CE
Maturing place: Lorraine, FRANCE
Shelf life: 35 days
Maturing time: 10 days
Storage temperature: between 0°C and + 6°C
Weight: 70 g

Nutrition Facts

Type of milk: raw goat’s milk
Rind color: white with blue molds
Type of cheese: bloomy rind cheese
Texture color: ivory

- Raw goat’s milk 97,50 %
- Lactic starters 1 %
- Salt 1 %
- Rennet 0,50 %

Microbiological Standards

Listeria: none in 25 g No preservatives or color additives.
Salmonella: none in 25 g Guaranteed GMO-free, in accordance
Enterobacteria: < 10 ufc/ml with current legislation.

Energetic value per 100 g

kcal-kJ 353-1460
Proteins 20.5 g
Total fat 24.4 g
Of which saturated 18.6 g
Trans fat 0.40 g
Carbohydrate Traces
Of which sugars Traces Salt 1.3 g
Sodium 518 mg


Les Freres Marchand
แช่เย็น (ชีส 4°C)​​​


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Cheese Crottin De Chavignol AOP Goat Milk LFM 70gr

หมายเลขรายการ IDA0WW0001921
History of Crottin De Chavignol Aop It is in the Sancerrois region, in a village called Chavignol, that Crottin de Chavignol was born. Farmers from Sancerrois have been making cheese since the 16th century. However, this cheese came to be known as crottin in 1829 only. It is named after a small


History of Crottin De Chavignol Aop

It is in the Sancerrois region, in a village called Chavignol, that Crottin de Chavignol was born. Farmers from Sancerrois have been making cheese since the 16th century. However, this cheese came to be known as crottin in 1829 only. It is named after a small terracotta oil lamp, which shape it resembles. Goats are not very demanding in terms of food and were usually raised by the winemakers’ wives. As such, they conveniently provided for the daily needs of farmers, who also derived additional income from the sales of milk and cheese.


Laurent makes his Crottin de Chavignol from goat milk, to which a small amount of rennet is added, most of the time right after it has been collected. The curds are then left to drain for ten hours, before they are placed in truncated cone shaped forms with small holes, the faisselles. Once removed from the faiselles and salted by hand, the cheese is dried, frequently flipped over, and ripened for at least ten days. At the end of the ten-day maturation period, the Crottin de Chavignol will have developed a thin yellowish rind, which as ageing goes on will bloom into white to brown molds.

Tasting advice

This cheese remains the favorite snack of Sancerrois farmers and winemakers. Depending on one’s taste, it can be savored either creamy or very dry, in which latter case its strong flavor is a delight to many a connoisseur.

Wine pairing

Wines from the same terroir make a perfect pair to Crottin de Chavignol: red or white Sancerre wines, Pouilly or Sauvignon de Saint-Bris.

Appearance: white or ivory texture, with a thin and bloomy natural rind.
Texture: firm, homogeneous and dense inside.
Smell: slight goat smell. Taste: typical goat flavor, which gets lighter during spring.

General Characteristics

Product code: CROT1
Production place: Centre, FRANCE
Approval number: FR 54 395 173 CE
Maturing place: Lorraine, FRANCE
Shelf life: 35 days
Maturing time: 10 days
Storage temperature: between 0°C and + 6°C
Weight: 70 g

Nutrition Facts

Type of milk: raw goat’s milk
Rind color: white with blue molds
Type of cheese: bloomy rind cheese
Texture color: ivory

- Raw goat’s milk 97,50 %
- Lactic starters 1 %
- Salt 1 %
- Rennet 0,50 %

Microbiological Standards

Listeria: none in 25 g No preservatives or color additives.
Salmonella: none in 25 g Guaranteed GMO-free, in accordance
Enterobacteria: < 10 ufc/ml with current legislation.

Energetic value per 100 g

kcal-kJ 353-1460
Proteins 20.5 g
Total fat 24.4 g
Of which saturated 18.6 g
Trans fat 0.40 g
Carbohydrate Traces
Of which sugars Traces Salt 1.3 g
Sodium 518 mg


Les Freres Marchand
แช่เย็น (ชีส 4°C)​​​


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